Sunday, November 24, 2013

Controlled Experiment: Lettuce Seed Growth

Once our soil was remediated, which you can see in our Soil Remediation post, we added 6 lettuce seeds to each cup and placed them in direct sunlight. 

We watered them on an as needed basis, and the chart below shows how much we gave them each day.

The chart below shows the growth of the lettuce seed over a 10 day period.

       Our control seeds grew much more than our remediated seeds. This may be because we over fertilized the remediated crop or because we buried the seeds to far when planting the remediated crop because the soil was wet and difficult to work with.
       The control crop sprouted 6 stems of lettuce with 2 leaves on them each. The remediated crop sprouted one very small stem, as shown below.

We didn't taste the lettuce ourselves, but a member of another group did and reported that isn't tasted like grass, which may be due to the fact that the lettuce plants are still so small.

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